Losing several teeth due to trauma or tooth decay is very upsetting, but our dentists at Dental Partners of Brookline can make it easier for you because they have several procedures for replacing teeth. Replacing your teeth with partials and full dentures may be your best solution.
After losing teeth due to an accident, you need to have one of our dentists in Brookline, MA evaluate the remaining teeth. The dentist will take digital x-rays to check if the teeth are stable or if they have had damage. If they find damage like fractures of the jawbone or loose teeth, then they will need to do an extraction or another procedure to stabilize the jaw.
Our dentists will need to schedule tooth extractions for the roots of the teeth that you’ve lost if they broke below the gum line. If the damage is all on one jaw, then a partial will be the best replacement for your teeth. However, if the damage exists on both jaws, then getting a set of full dentures may be your best solution.
It isn’t necessary to need to replace every tooth along a jaw to get a partial. If you’re only missing one or two, one of our dentists can recommend a partial to replace them; However, if you decide on a full set of dentures, then you will need extractions of any remaining teeth for the dentures.
One of the first steps you’ll take to get a partial or a set of dentures is having impressions made of your gums. Our dentists at Dental Partners of Brookline do this step after tooth extracting your teeth or their remaining roots to get better impressions.
After sending the impressions to the dental laboratory manufacturing your prosthetic, our dentists near you in Brookline, MA will determine the placement of the teeth in the prosthetic so that your teeth don’t click when you eat or speak.
On the next visit, the dentist working with you will have the dentures ready for you to wear. They will have you wear them until the final appointment so that they can make any necessary adjustments. After adjusting them, we will add a lining to make them more comfortable for you to wear. Give us a call today to schedule a consultation!
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