10 Most FAQs About Dental Implants

10 Most FAQs About Dental Implants

Oct 01, 2022

A missing tooth or teeth can negatively affect your bite, oral health, speech, appearance, and self-confidence. Fortunately, you can avoid all these problems by replacing your lost teeth with dental implants. Dental implants offer the most natural, long-lasting, and stable results compared to alternative tooth replacement procedures like dentures and bridges.

If you’re considering dental implants, below are 10 of the most FAQs about Dental implants

1. Who is eligible for dental implants?

While dental Implants surgery is highly successful, not all patients are eligible. For instance, you need a healthy jawbone structure to hold the implant sufficiently. You must also have excellent dental hygiene habits and good oral and overall health. Poor lifestyle habits such as smoking can disqualify you from implant surgery. For dental implants near you, contact our team at Dental Partners of Brookline.

2. How are dental implants placed?

An implant, a tiny titanium screw, is placed in the jawbone to replace the roots of the missing teeth. The jawbone heals around the implants, becoming a permanent part of the mouth. A dental crown goes over the implant. It gives the implant great strength and stability to perform like a natural tooth. An implant can also support a denture or bridge.

3. Is dental implant surgery painful?

Thanks to sedation dentistry, the procedure is done under local anesthesia. You’ll be put to sleep and won’t experience any pain or discomfort during the surgery. However, you may experience minor discomfort and other side effects like swelling once the anesthesia wears off. Fortunately, the surgeon will prescribe some medication to manage the symptoms.

4. What happens if I don’t meet the requirements?

One of the key requirements you must meet to qualify for implants is having healthy gums and jawbones. Fortunately, not meeting these requirements doesn’t automatically disqualify you for the treatment.

If you have underlying oral problems like gum disease, you can have it treated before placing the implant. You can have a bone graft if you have an insufficient jawbone structure. Bone grafting involves using new tissues to repair and rebuild weakened bone. You can then have dental implants once the jawbone is healthy.

5. What are the advantages of dental implants?

There are numerous benefits of using dental implants to replace missing teeth. Implants restore your bite function, prevent jawbone deterioration, prevent shifting of the adjacent teeth, maintain the facial muscles, improve your speech, transform your appearance, and restore your self-confidence. With excellent dental hygiene and care, implants can last forever, meaning you won’t ever need a replacement. Even better, implants can’t develop decay or cavities.

6. How many teeth can I replace with dental implants?

Dental implants can replace one or multiple teeth. However, you don’t always need an implant for every missing tooth. You can consider other types of implants, like all-on-4 dental implants.

7. What are the risks of dental implants?

Generally, dental implants have a high success rate of 90 – 95%. However, like any other surgical procedure, there’s always a risk of complications such as infection, pain, bleeding, and inflammation. Follow your dentist’s instructions to facilitate faster healing and recovery. Habits like smoking and underlying health conditions can also contribute to complications after implant surgery.

8. How much do dental implants cost?

Generally, the cost of placing dental implants depends on several factors like the number of implants required, additional procedures like bone grafting, location, and the complexity of the procedure.

9. How long do dental implants last?

Dental implants contain sturdy and durable materials. Since they are artificial, they don’t develop decay like natural teeth. Still, excellent home care and habits and routine check-ups are essential to extend the lifespan of your implant. Generally, an implant can last for a lifetime, and you’ll only need to replace the crown every 15 – 20 years.

10. Are dental implants permanent?

Unlike dentures and bridges, implants are permanently attached to the jawbone surgically. The jawbone bonds with the implant through a process called osseointegration. Only the dentist can remove the implant from your mouth. In that case, you would need a new surgery. An implant looks and functions like a natural tooth.

Schedule an Appointment Today with our dentist in Brookline, MA

Are you interested in dental implants in Brookline, MA? Schedule a dentist appointment at Dental Partners of Brookline to speak with our dental implant specialist.

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