Things You Should Know About A Full Mouth Restoration

Things You Should Know About A Full Mouth Restoration

Nov 01, 2021

When you meet new people, the first thing you usually notice is a smile. An unhealthy/unsightly mouth affects you psychologically because you try to minimize the urge to smile in public due to fear of a negative public image. A complete mouth restoration procedure can solve any dental issues, thus giving you confidence and boosting your self-esteem.

There are so many different cosmetic procedures that exist to help overhaul your entire smile but it can be confusing on where to start. This guide on full mouth restoration is the best starting point when considering any dental reconstruction.

Full mouth reconstruction uses a multi-procedural approach to recorrect any dental defects. It focuses on restorative, cosmetic procedures and neuromuscular techniques to repair multiple moderate to severe dental issues. The restoration procedure includes a combination of dental crowns, veneers, inlays, onlays, dental bridges and dental implants.

Mouth Restoration Procedure

The procedure includes restoring your gums, jaw and, in some cases, the overall structure of your mouth. Mouth restoration treatment options differ depending on the severity of your condition. The procedure may include replacing missing structures within the mouth in instances such as oral cancer. Skilled dental experts at Dental Partners of Brookline follow a procedural approach when performing any full mouth restoration.

  1. Consultation. The dentist performs a thorough dental examination (teeth, gums, supporting bone, TMJ, and muscles). The dentist will ask about your past medical history, your symptoms and how you want to look afterwards. Through advanced technology, the dentists identify the ideal pathway to take to complete your restoration.
  2. The dentist then creates a treatment plan for your procedure.
  3. Once you agree with the dentist on the outcome, full mouth reconstruction temporaries are placed in your mouth for a trial period. Before the final design is implemented, the prototype is fine-tuned into precise aesthetic and functional requirements.
  4. The dentist removes any old appliances, such as improperly fitted fillings.
  5. Severely affected dental tissues are addressed. They are approached using various treatment options such as fillings for minor cavities, root canal therapy for infected soft tissues, tooth extractions for highly decayed teeth and oral surgery in some cases.
  6. If you have underlying gum disease, it is treated as well.
  7. Mouth restoration aims to restore both functionality and appearance of the mouth. Cosmetic dentistry aided with computer generated smile design helps the dentist personalize the treatment by discussing the aesthetic outcomes of the new dental look. Through 3D models, you get real-time previews of your soon-to-be dental outcome from every angle.
  8. The dentist will then conduct the mouth restoration as planned. Any teeth replacement will resemble natural teeth in terms of color, texture, and surface anatomy.

Candidates for a full mouth reconstruction

The best candidates are patients with several dental problems that can be treated at one time. Dental issues that may necessitate a full mouth reconstruction include:

  • Gum disease
  • Highly worn-out teeth due to conditions such as bruxism
  • Severe acid reflux
  • Misaligned bite
  • Temporomandibular joint pain
  • Extremely decayed teeth

When you are faced with tooth loss, severe toothache and difficulty eating, a full mouth reconstruction is an option for you.

Benefits of a full mouth reconstruction

  • Curbing tooth decay
  • Enhancing your confidence and self-esteem
  • Improving your bite
  • Ease of eating, especially chewing solid food
  • Clarity in speech
  • Improved facial profile

Side effects of a full mouth reconstruction

After a complete mouth restoration procedure, you may experience some side effects. They include headaches, bad breath, and sinus pain. Luckily, the side effects should fade after a few days.

Full mouth restoration requires specialized services because failure to follow appropriate techniques may lead to toothaches, teeth sensitivity, and additional invasive treatment.

Costs of a full mouth reconstruction

The cost of a complete dental restoration varies depending on the number of dental procedures to be performed. Visit your local dentist and have a check-up to determine whether you qualify for a complete dental reconstruction and which procedures are needed.

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